Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Sep 13, 2010 8:04 AMPublicPageviews 2460

Dear Rose,
Thank you so much for your time during my last visit to HK.
Everything I bought from you was just so good and I have tried almost
every single item already.
The 天麻蜂蜜 was really good because since I started drinking it, my
headache is gone and I don't get so tired recently.  Also, my daughter
always has headache but since she started drinking it, her headache is
gone, too.
I am wondering do you have more stock?  Perhaps I can ask my sister to
pick it up from the MRT station so that she can send it to me by post?
 The down side of this honey is that it is pretty bulky and heavy to
send by post.  I am wondering if I can make this myself using the
Japanese honey if I just purchase the 天麻 from you?  Or does it has to
be 野生天然蜂蜜 to make it effective?
Thank you.

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